Industrial Warehouse/Office for Lease
1026 Mt. Lebanon Rd., Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
+/-5,700 SF +/-$14.50 SF $6,887.50 Mo.
+/-5,700 SF office/warehouse for lease in an established industrial area Building is currently under construction and office space should be complete in the next 30-45 days 12×12 grade level overhead doors Power is 120/208-3 phase power-200 amp 16’-18’ eve height & 21’ peak eve height Approximately 10 concrete parking spaces Ideal for use as contractor’s office/shop (HVAC repair and sales, Electrician, or Plumber), light and heavy assembly, light manufacturing, and wholesaling, etc.
Availabliity: Suite 100 +/-3,385 SF $3,750.00 Mo.
Suite features reception/waiting area, 1 office, a large warehouse with 2-12×12 grade level overhead doors, and two restrooms. Landscaping and water included.
Suite 100+Suite 200 +/-5,700 SF $6,887.50 Mo.
Suite features 1 reception/waiting areas, 2 offices, large warehouse with 4-12×12 grade level overhead doors, and four restrooms. Landscaping and water included.
- Listing ID
- Lot Area : 5,700 Sqft
- Price Type : /SF/Year
- 1026 Mt. Lebanon Floor Plan (191.1KB)
- att_Mt.-Lebanon-1026-Marketing-Pkg-1-22-24.pdf (4.5MB)